Cybersecurity technology can only go so far in protecting an organisation. High quality security awareness training is an essential element in improving your security defences. It gives your employees and contractors the knowledge and scepticism necessary to avoid making mistakes that could lead to security problems, like ransomware infections or data breaches. Yet the importance of training is often poorly conveyed to and understood by employees.
This detailed paper, sponsored by our partners KnowBe4, discusses the impact of different types of training in driving a true security-focussed corporate culture and permanent behavioural change. Based on surveys with both decision makers and employees, it looks at the relative levels of engagement, effectiveness and impact of different training approaches and their optimal frequency. It offers practical advice on the steps to take to improve the security culture in your organisation, including gaining senior-level buy-in.
Download this guide to better understand the power of security awareness training to improve cybersecurity at your business.